
Will AI grow bigger than Google search? 2020-2028 statistics and my predictions

Will AI use grow bigger than Google search? 2020-2028 statistics and predictions

This is my take on where online search is going in the future.

This post is written for companies who gain visibility (and money 💰️) from search today.

I define search as getting information via technology = Google search + AI are in the same bucket.


I focus on Google vs AI tools in this post. Other search engines are left out in the data.

I like to start with the results. If you want to dig into how I reached these numbers, it is all covered at the end in section 4, including link to a spreadsheet.

How big the market share of all AI tools compared to Google currently?

We have approximate data from sources such as Similarweb, Statista and many others.

I have collected the data and it results in this graph:

ai search market share compared to google search daily billion searches - Morningscore SEO tool

In 2024 all AI tools have around 6% share of the search market. And actually this number is declining from a 2023 high.

I project AI usage to grow up to 35% yearly from 2025. This is VERY optimistic. It will lead to a 14% share of the search market by 2028.

Then Google will have a 86% share of the search market compared to all AI tools by 2028

Will this mean Google will lose traffic and revenue?

Actually no. They will keep growing even if they lose market share. Because the search market is currently growing at roughly 8% yearly.

From 2022-2028 the combined search market (all AI + Google) will expand 40,6%

This graph shows Googles + AI chats historical and predicted searches per day:

ai market share compared to google search daily billion searches - Morningscore SEO tool

Can we directly compare AI use and searches per day? No, not directly. I have converted it. See section 4.


Will websites lose search traffic?

If we talk about all websites on the planet combined, I don’t believe they will. Not before 2028.

On an individual level It depends on what category of search you are currently in.

You can divide search into 2 categories:

informational search: When you search to learn. Example: “How do I delete cells in Excel?”
Money search: When you search to buy or compare products and services.

Learn more in my little actionable guide 😊


My prediction is that AI chats will mainly eat information search share from Google (and therefore also some websites):

information keywords market share ai vs google - Morningscore SEO tool


And if we look at money search, this is my prediction:

AI will take a way smaller piece of the pie, and websites should expect continued growth:

money keywords market share ai vs google - Morningscore SEO tool

Prediction by year


🔮 Prediction:

  • Google will have a tough first year with AI search since they play catch up (US launch in May)
  • Overall search will keep growing. Google will do record revenue on search ads.

📊 Traffic share:

  • AI like ChatGPT: 6% of informational search
  • AI like ChatGPT: 1% of money search
  • Total search market growth: 4%



🔮 Prediction:

  • AI apps for phones and computers like ChatGPT and Copilot for Windows will start booming
  • This will start to eat more informational and money search from Google
  • But mainly it will expand the market. Google will still grow

📊 Traffic share:

  • AI like ChatGPT: 7% of informational search
  • AI like ChatGPT: 3% of money search
  • Total search market growth: 3.5%


🔮 Prediction:

  • AI apps like ChatGPT’s app and Copilot for Windows will grow even faster
  • “Private AI” can be deeply integrated on your computers and phones
  • Google back in top-3 of AI race and start getting a serious piece of the AI search pie

📊 Traffic share:

  • AI like ChatGPT: 9% of informational search
  • AI like ChatGPT: 4% of money search
  • Total search market growth: 2%


🔮 Prediction:

  • AI search will be mainstream at this point
  • 20% of the time you search via a chatbot and 80% you simply want to go from A to B – especially for money search
  • Which means the classic A-B “Google search” with a list of results will still be 80% of search
  • This A to B will be powered by AI to give you highly relevant options (Google search on steroids)

📊 Traffic share:

  • AI like ChatGPT: 11% of informational search
  • AI like ChatGPT: 5% of money search
  • Total search market growth: 1%


🔮 Prediction:

  • AI is now just a part of all devices and your search
  • You no longer think about the difference between “Googling” and “chatting”
  • Websites will start losing up to 20% traffic
  • But companies will at the same time gain brand visibility in search results = total visibility keeps growing.

📊 Traffic share:

  • AI like ChatGPT: 13% of informational search
  • AI like ChatGPT: 6% of money search
  • Total search market growth: 1%


What happens to your websites traffic in 2028?

  • 🔻If you rely on informational guides like “how to format numbers in Excel” you can expect increasing losses year after year
  • 💲If you keep expanding your brand and aim for money search via money keywords you will prosper
  • 💲If you produce informational content that is opinionated and personal, there is a big chance AI cannot eat you
  • 💲If you produce great personally guiding videos on for example YouTube your brand and search traffic will keep growing
  • 🔻If AI becomes super intelligent and takes over the world, yeah well, our websites won’t matter I guess 😅


How I reached these results

All data used for this article are 3rd-party estimates from respected sources.

Mainly Statista, Similarweb and these articles:

You can also view my Spreadsheet with all data


Annual growth rates: Google search
Google search growth rates from 2020-2023 are based on historical data

We see a steady decline in the growth rate of search, since it’s a maturing technology.

From 2024 and onwards I have attributed growth to be low based on AI stealing market share.

Very conservative growth, since I want to avoid bias towards search.

Year Billion searches/day Traffic growth
2020 6.00
2021 6.55 9.1%
2022 7.09 8.3%
2023 7.64 7.7%
2024 7.94 4.0%
2025 8.22 3.5%
2026 8.38 2.0%
2027 8.47 1.0%
2028 8.55 1.0%

AI searches per day calculation

All AI search engines combined receive roughly 2 million visits per month vs Bing 1.3 millions.

On top of that AI apps on desktop + mobile also account for additional usage.

+20% is a big overestimation based on data I could find, but I will use that number.

2.4 million “visits” total once +20% mobile usage is factored in.

We know the search share of Bing is 3,4% of the entire search engine market.

Based on the above we can simulate how big usage of AI is compared to search engines:

2,4 million visits per month / 1,3 millions on Bing = 185% * current 3,4% Bing market share.

6.3% of Googles search market and 6% of combined market in 2023

AI chat bots
Year Billion searches/day Traffic growth Ai market share
2020 0.0%
2021 0.0%
2022 0.02 0.3%
2023 0.49 2343.5% 6.0%
2024 0.50 2.0% 5.9%
2025 0.67 35.0% 7.6%
2026 0.91 35.0% 9.8%
2027 1.18 30.0% 12.2%
2028 1.42 20.0% 14.2%


Annual growth rates: AI

You can see my estimated growth rates in the table above (Traffic growth collumn).

Actually AI has dropped traffic since it’s peak of 2023 – from 1.8 to 1.3 billion visits.

I expect things to pick up a little speed after Summer 2024 so the year will end in small growth.

(Actually I don’t expect that, but I want to calculate the best case scenario for AI growth)

Which also means my growth expectation from 2025 is VERY optimistic for AI.

Especially considering Google starts to incorporate AI results in it’s search results.

If Google can eventually catch up on ChatGPT’s quality it might stunt ChatGPT’s growth

But I doubt Google can fully kill the leader of a new category: AI search

What I find more likely to happen is that over time ChatGPT will get 10-20% market share


I don’t see how Google in the next 5 years will decrease revenue from search.

In the biggest hype for AI ever, they are still growing their search revenue significantly:
google ads growth revenue - Morningscore SEO tool

Source: Alphabet Announces Second Quarter 2024 Results (PDF)

It is way more likely that the market simply expands

This has already happened as far as I can see:

ChatGPT plus has around 3.9 million paid subscribers in US alone and OpenAI revenue is $2 Billion.

This tells you that informational search and automation is now worth a monthly subscription if it’s great enough.

ChatGPT will become the kings of research and automation.

Google will stay kings of remaining search.

Googles share of search by category (prediction):

Year Money search Information search
2022 100% 100%
2023 99% 95%
2024 99% 94%
2025 97% 93%
2026 96% 91%
2027 95% 89%
2028 94% 87%


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