Competitor analysis SEO tool

Gain valuable insights of your competitors websites on Google from our 360 degree SEO competitor analysis tool. Simple user interface yet with a powerful engine underneath. Start collecting business insights now.

Comparing Google rankings with competitors
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Stay ahead of the competition

Analyze your competitors with ease

Here are the 5 features that our 900+ customers value most about our competitor analysis SEO tool.

Explore competitor keyword rankinks

Get insights with ease and do competitor keyword analysis. You'll have all your competitors' keywords on display with a single click and see all the metrics to take your SEO strategy to new heights. Gain insight into your competitors' organic traffic from Google and the monetary value they get from ranking.

Track your keywords with Morningscore Rank tracker

Discover your competitors on Google

Do you know who your competitors on Google are? Your competitors on Google aren't necessarily the same companies you see as your "real-life" competitors.

Morningscore will help you identify your biggest competitors on Google showing you the website's ranking for your business's relevant keywords.

Identifying competitors with Morningscore

H2H competitor comparison

Set up your competitors and go to the competitor comparison tool to set up head-to-head keyword comparisons. Why is this cool? This way you can easily find content- and keyword gaps based on your pool of competitors' keyword rankings without having to do any boring and rigid manual work. Simply valuable competitor insights for you to grab.


Comparing Google rankings with competitors

Competitor backlinks

Using the backlink checker tools allows you to inspect and intersect backlinks from your competitor. Take your linkbuilding efforts to the next level with valuable insights intro your competitors backlink metrics.

See all your competitors' referring domains, backlinks, and domain value (domain authority). Supercharge your own link profile from competitor insights.

See all your competitors links in Morningscore SEO-tool

Locate your competitors' most valuable content

Take part of the organic traffic that your competitors are attracting by finding the content that drives the most traffic to their website. Use this intel to generate top-tier content to outrank and get that valuable traffic to your website.

Analyze and find content gaps and fill in the blanks easier than ever with the most user-friendly competitor analysis tool for SEO.

Traffic graph in a SEO dashboard
Check out the features

Morningscore's tool set

See all the features of the Morningscore card listed below. Morningscore presents a lot more than just Competitor analysis.

Morningscore logo 01 - Morningscore SEO tool
Keyword rank tracking
Keyword research
New keyword suggestions
Keyword difficulty
Historical positions on keywords
Keyword update frequency Daily
Grouping of keywords
Competitor analysis
Backlinks monitoring
New and lost links
Backlinks from competitors
Scan websites for links/keywords
Website health scan (onsite)
Intelligent proposals (missions)
SEO task management (missions)
Email reports
PDF reports
White label rapporter
Smart user management
Prices from 49 $/mo
Competitor analysis features

Analyze competitors' SEO

Fed up with advanced and costly tools? Morningscore provides you with equivalent key features as most prominent players at a fraction of the expense. Our SEO tool includes robust tools to monitor your own and your competitors' SEO, such as a keyword research tool, keyword rank tracker, reporting tool, backlink checker, and SEO audit tool.

Competitor keyword overview

Elevate your SEO game with Morningscore's Competitor Keyword Overview. Uncover the exact keywords driving your competitors' success. Gain insights into their strategy, discover missed opportunities, and adapt dynamically. Experience a simple way to do competitor analysis on single keywords.

Competitor keyword gap

Compare your website direct to you competitors in a head-to-head competitor comparison and identify your content- and keyword gaps to target on your own website. Uncover your competitors secret keywords and open a new world of valuable keywords.

Monitor competitor keywords

Easily monitor your competitors' and your own keyword rankings. Utilize Morningscore's competitor keyword comparison tool for a competitive edge, enabling you to instantly observe shifts in keyword performance and stay informed about changes in the SERPs or heightened competition for specific keywords.

Competitor backlinks

Analyzing and monitoring your competitors backlinks is an easy task with the link tool. Sneak peek at your competitors backlink profile and compare your link authority. Check domain value, number of reffering domains, specific backlinks and intersect the most valuable.

Disclose the competition

Not knowing who you are up against is like working in blindness. Morningscore identifies and suggest which competitors to add based on keyword similarity to keep track of your nearest competitors. Monitoring new and upcoming competitors has never been easier to handle.

in-depth competitor analysis

Turn threats from competitors into opportunities with the competitor analysis SEO tool. Learn about who they are, what strategies they are using, keywords theyr are targeting, links they gain and minimize your workload with automatic competitor monitoring. Your biggest threats are also your biggest research network.

pricing bg - Morningscore SEO tool

Find the perfect plan for your space journey

No hidden fees. Prices shown excl. VAT.
Cancellation must be done before the next invoice.

49 USD/mo
100 Keywords 3 Websites 2 Users
For the small business that is new to SEO.
69 USD/mo
500 Keywords 10 Websites 4 Users
For the intermediate user who is growing their SEO.
129 USD/mo
2000 Keywords 30 Websites 10 Users
For the professional SEO expert working on numerous projects.
259 USD/mo
5000 Keywords 100 Websites 20 Users
For the international company or agency. Upgrades possible.
Identify, analyze and outrank the competitors

Unveiling your competitors successful strategies

In the ever-evolving online business landscape, staying ahead of the competition isn't just a goal; it's a necessity. Competitor analysis is the compass guiding businesses through the turbulent waters of digital marketing, offering invaluable insights into the strategies and tactics that propel competitors forward.

We understand the paramount importance of competitor analysis in crafting a winning SEO strategy. Our comprehensive set of tools empowers businesses to delve deep into the digital footprint of their rivals, uncovering hidden opportunities and gaining a competitive edge like never before.

Knowledge is power. With Morningscores' competitor analysis tools, you'll have the insights you need to outmaneuver the competition and chart a course toward sustained success.


Do you have any questions?

SEO competitor analysis is the process of evaluating and analyzing the online presence, strategies, and performance of competing websites within the same industry or niche. It involves examining various factors such as keyword rankings, backlink profiles, content strategies, and overall website performance to gain insights into what strategies competitors are employing to achieve their search engine optimization (SEO) goals.

Overall, SEO competitor analysis provides valuable insights that enable businesses to refine their SEO strategy, enhance their online visibility, and ultimately outperform their competitors in search engine rankings and organic traffic.

A competitor analysis SEO tool is a software or online platform designed to help businesses analyze and evaluate the SEO strategies and performance of their competitors. These tools typically offer a range of features and functionalities that enable users to gather insights into various aspects of their competitors' online presence, such as keyword rankings, backlink profiles, content strategies, and overall website performance.

Competitor tools often contain the following features:

  • Keyword analysis
  • Backlink analysis
  • Content analysis
  • Rank tracking
  • Onsite performance metrics

No, Morningscore is not the only tool available for competitor analysis. There are numerous other competitor analysis SEO tools in the market, each offering its own set of features, functionalities, and pricing plans to cater to the diverse needs of businesses.

Take a look at our own list of the best SEO tools here.

Performing SEO competitor analysis involves several steps to gain insights into your competitors' strategies and performance in the digital landscape. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Identify Competitors: Start by identifying your main competitors in the industry or niche. These are the websites that are competing for similar keywords and target audience.
  2. Keyword Analysis: Analyze the keywords your competitors are ranking for. Use keyword research tools to identify the keywords driving traffic to their websites. Look for high-volume keywords with low competition that you can potentially target.
  3. Backlink Analysis: Evaluate the backlink profile of your competitors. Use backlink analysis tools to identify the websites linking to their content. Pay attention to the quality and quantity of backlinks, as well as the anchor text used. Look for opportunities to acquire similar backlinks for your own website.
  4. Content Analysis: Analyze the content strategy of your competitors. Review the type of content they are producing, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, etc. Assess the quality and relevance of their content. Identify topics that resonate with the audience and perform well in terms of Google rankings.
  5. On-Page SEO Analysis: Evaluate the on-page optimization of your competitors' websites. Review their meta tags, headings, URL structure, and internal linking strategy. Identify areas where they are strong and areas where they can improve. Look for opportunities to optimize your own website for similar keywords and topics.
  6. Performance Metrics: Monitor the overall performance metrics of your competitors' websites. This includes metrics such as organic traffic, search engine rankings, domain authority, and page load speed. Track changes in these metrics over time to identify trends and patterns.
  7. Actionable Insights: Based on your analysis, identify actionable insights and opportunities for improvement. Develop a strategy to capitalize on your competitors' weaknesses and differentiate yourself in the market. Continuously monitor your competitors' activities and adjust your strategy accordingly.

There are various way to find your competitors on Google.

The manual way is to simply search for one or more of your keywords and go through the SERP. The websites ranking here are your strongest competitors - at least on those specific keywords.

You can also use Morningscore and let the tools show you suggested competitors based on overall keyword ranking similarities.

The 14-day trial with Morningscore is entirely free, no strings attached. You won't be asked for credit card details, invoices, or any other payment information. You're welcome to explore all the features without any charges.

And what about remembering to cancel your account before the trial ends? Not even that. If you choose not to purchase a paid plan, you can simply leave your account. After the trial period expires, it will become inactive. While you can still log in, you won't receive any new data until you upgrade to a paid plan.

The only "payment" you need to access the entire tool is your e-mail address (to validate).

Keywords you add to your rank tracker are updated daily.

Every other keyword is an ongoing update. All keywords are not updated at the same time but you are able to hover the keyword and see when that specific keyword were updated.

Doing proper competitor research requires a proper tool to conduct your analysis.

Competitor analysis are an important task in SEO because you can build and optimize your SEO strategy based on your competitors weak spots and strengths.

Doing proper competitor research will save your time and resources by allocating resources to the right tasks. As a small or new online business you should know your limits and not aim for reaching top rankings for big general keywords that are flooded with the biggest online stores with big authority, big brands, and endless resources.

We might be a little bit biased here, but Morningscore is definitely a candidate to consider as one of the best tools for comparing your competitors SEO to your own.

Except for Morningscore, there are many great tools for the same purpose with their unique features and data out there. Take a look at our list of which tools we think are the best SEO tools.

5 out of 5 stars

“Morningscore provides a simple overview of competitors, and most importantly, makes working with SEO fun! The "Mission" tool is a favorite, but the "Health" section is also a useful feature that easily explains what adjustments and corrections need to be made on my website.”

Bjorn Marius Narjord, an Independent SEO Consultant from Intent SEO

Bjørn Marius Narjord

Owner and SEO-specialist, Intent SEO
5 out of 5 stars

“Morningscore is the easiest SEO tool I've ever seen and used – and I've tested so many of them. The charts and data may be comparable to those of competitors, but the fun part comes in when you make use of the many ways to play 'catch me if you can' with a competitor.”

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Rasmus Schübel

Owner & Founder, kreativling
5 out of 5 stars

“A truly usable and effective SEO tool without many disruptive elements. This means that I can actually use the tool for something specific that gives our business value.”

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Heidi Kerstein

Marketing coordinator, Fitness Engros A/S
5 out of 5 stars

“Morningscore gives me that vital view of our rankings on search engines, and I can see up-to-date information on how we're performing against our competitors and whether we're gaining or losing traction. I also find the tool very easy to use. It just works.”

patrick qureshi

Patrick Qureshi

5 out of 5 stars

“I’ve used Morningscore since the beginning of my company. I tried many tools, but my heart fell for Morningscore because it’s so easy to use - and because I work with many small businesses who MUST have the tool for me to help them.”

christina lund schmeltz

Christina Schmeltz

Owner, LS Marketing
5 out of 5 stars

“I use Morningscore because SEO is not my specialty, and I don’t want to spend time on it. I have an internal team who takes care of SEO, but I need to know the outcome of their work. With this tool, I can log in and see our performance from day to day.”

esben oesterby

Esben Østerby

Founder, Iværksætterhistorier
5 out of 5 stars

“I was looking for a tool to help my customers see exactly what we’re working on and what value it gives them. I’ve found that with Morningscore. I recommend the platform to anyone who needs to manage and improve their SEO.”

Trolle Hansen trolle reklame

Trolle Hansen

Owner, Trolle Reklame
5 out of 5 stars

“Three years ago I chose Morningscore because I was new to SEO and it was the easiest SEO tool to use. I'm still using Morningscore because it is regularly updated and becomes more powerful with every release. It's fun to use. Morningscore is such an integral part of my day. I check it before I check my email.”

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Sven Radavics
