Check Google SERP for any keyword

What sites are ranking on the keywords you are targeting? Find out with Morningscore's SERP-checker and find new possible competitors and content opportunities.

On the all keywords tab, you can see the rankings and search volume of your keywords

What is SERP and why is it important?

SERP means "Search Engine Result Page", which refers to the page you see when you search for a keyword on Google.
In Morningscore we show you all the search results for a keyword, enabling you to analyze the SERP.

Top 100 ranking sites

The SERP checker shows you the top 100 ranking websites on any keyword in 167 countries

Discover what pages they rank with

Check what kind of landing pages websites are ranking for on any keyword to determine search intent.

Expose new competitors

Use the SERP checker to find all the websites targeting your keywords and locate competitors.

Do you want to see what ranks on your keywords?

Follow these 5 easy steps to use our SERP-checker

Enter your website above
Enter your email into the text field
Click on "Keywords" and "Rank tracker"
Add a keyword to the rank tracker
Click the three dots, then "See all ranks"
SERP feature page min - Morningscore SEO tool
Find out who else ranks for your keywords

Our SERP-checker informs you on keywords

With Morningscore you can easily see the websites and landing pages that are ranking on your main keywords on Google. Get to know which other websites rank for the keywords you track, and what kinds specific pages are relevant in Google's eyes.

Use theSERP-checker to discover new competitors in your niche, and learn exactly what Google values when it ranks certain keywords, so you can make landing pages that rank.

Sådan rangerer Google websites i søgeresultaterne

SERP analysis in 167 countries

Morningscore's SERP checker tool allows you to see the search results on Google in 167 countries without having to use a VPN or proxy to hide your location or IP address.

Search results are dynamic and affected by location, history and device you search from. Simply use a SERP checker to get unbiased search results and Google rankings.

Organic search traffic from SERP ranking

With the SERP checker you can see the estimated organic traffic that each and every website receive from their position in the SERP for all keyword.

See the organic traffic based on SERP rankings

When checking the organic traffic with the SERP checker you know the traffic potential as well as the top ranking landing pages. Now you can analyze the pages and reverse engineer their effort to reach the top rankings.


Have any questions?

Do you want more information about our SERP-checker?
In that case we have compiled a list of some of the most commonly asked questions below:

Morningscore's SERP-checker is very different from a regular Google search. When you search on Google, everything from your previous search history to your current location gets taken into account by Google. Even if you use incognito mode, Google will still be able to view your location, which causes a bias to the search results.

Our SERP data is calculated via the Morningscore servers, which can gather a national average of Google's SERP in the country you have chosen, when you registered your website.

Morningscore gets its SERP data directly from Google. We use our servers to retrieve the data, and make a national average for the country your website has been registered under in Morningscore.

Normally Google's SERP is affected by your search history and your location when making the search. Because of this it can be difficult to get an accurate overview of the SERP for a specific keyword. This is why the SERP data, you see in Morningscore is a calculated average, of the SERP data in your chosen country, leading to an accurate approximation of the SERP.

The amount of keywords you can track depends on which package of Morningscore you have, as each one comes with a different amount of trackable keywords.

If you are using the free trial version of Morningscore, you will be able to track up to 20 keywords simultaneously.

If you aren't getting the option to see the SERP data for a keyword, when you click the three dots on the right side, then make sure you are in the rank tracker tab.

You can only see the SERP-data for keywords you are currently tracking. additionally, you also need to be located in the rank tracker section, for the SERP option to appear.

Morningscore's SERP-checker can help you in many different ways.

You can use the tool to see, what other websites are ranking for a specific keyword, you are currently tracking. This can be useful to to find out how competitive a keyword is. If the only websites ranking for a keyword belong to big brands, then the keyword is most likely very competitive. If all of the other websites ranking for the keyword are small sites, then this keyword might be a low-hanging fruit.

The SERP-checker can also be used in other ways. You can for example use the SERP for keywords related to your field, to find new competitors that belong to your field. Having competitors in the same field can help you in a multitude of ways

Morningscore's SERP-checker also show you what specific pages are ranking on your chosen keyword. This can be helpful in gauging, what kind of pages rank well on a specific keyword. Doing this can be very helpful if you aren't sure what kind of content is best for ranking on a specific keyword, or if you want to find out the search intention for the keyword is.

Morningscore updates its SERP data once a day, along with the other data on keywords you currently have tracked.

When we scan a keyword in Morningscore, we make sure to keep the data, so it can be viewed later. This means that you will always be able to see how you have ranked on a specific keyword previously.

If you click on the three dots next to a keyword in the rank tracker, you will be able to select "View keyword history". This will allow you to see your rankings on the specific keyword, during a selected period of time. You can change this period by clicking on the calendar in the top right corner of the screen.

Who is Morningscore?

Morningscore was founded in Odense in 2018. There we set out to build an uncomplicated and different SEO tool. Our mission is to be among the top 3 SEO tools globally.

  • Founded in Odense, Denmark. January 24th, 2018
  • +1.000 customers in 30 countries
  • Received around 1 million EUR in funding
  • Down to earth, even though our brand is in space

Read more about us here

Teamet bag Morningscore på kontoret i Odense
5 out of 5 stars

“Morningscore provides a simple overview of competitors, and most importantly, makes working with SEO fun! The "Mission" tool is a favorite, but the "Health" section is also a useful feature that easily explains what adjustments and corrections need to be made on my website.”

Bjorn Marius Narjord, an Independent SEO Consultant from Intent SEO

Bjørn Marius Narjord

Owner and SEO-specialist, Intent SEO
5 out of 5 stars

“Morningscore is the easiest SEO tool I've ever seen and used – and I've tested so many of them. The charts and data may be comparable to those of competitors, but the fun part comes in when you make use of the many ways to play 'catch me if you can' with a competitor.”

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Rasmus Schübel

Owner & Founder, kreativling
5 out of 5 stars

“A truly usable and effective SEO tool without many disruptive elements. This means that I can actually use the tool for something specific that gives our business value.”

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Heidi Kerstein

Marketing coordinator, Fitness Engros A/S
5 out of 5 stars

“Morningscore gives me that vital view of our rankings on search engines, and I can see up-to-date information on how we're performing against our competitors and whether we're gaining or losing traction. I also find the tool very easy to use. It just works.”

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Patrick Qureshi

5 out of 5 stars

“I’ve used Morningscore since the beginning of my company. I tried many tools, but my heart fell for Morningscore because it’s so easy to use - and because I work with many small businesses who MUST have the tool for me to help them.”

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Christina Schmeltz

Owner, LS Marketing
5 out of 5 stars

“I use Morningscore because SEO is not my specialty, and I don’t want to spend time on it. I have an internal team who takes care of SEO, but I need to know the outcome of their work. With this tool, I can log in and see our performance from day to day.”

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Esben Østerby

Founder, Iværksætterhistorier
5 out of 5 stars

“I was looking for a tool to help my customers see exactly what we’re working on and what value it gives them. I’ve found that with Morningscore. I recommend the platform to anyone who needs to manage and improve their SEO.”

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Trolle Hansen

Owner, Trolle Reklame
5 out of 5 stars

“Three years ago I chose Morningscore because I was new to SEO and it was the easiest SEO tool to use. I'm still using Morningscore because it is regularly updated and becomes more powerful with every release. It's fun to use. Morningscore is such an integral part of my day. I check it before I check my email.”

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Sven Radavics
