Morningscore's SERP-checker can help you in many different ways.
You can use the tool to see, what other websites are ranking for a specific keyword, you are currently tracking. This can be useful to to find out how competitive a keyword is. If the only websites ranking for a keyword belong to big brands, then the keyword is most likely very competitive. If all of the other websites ranking for the keyword are small sites, then this keyword might be a low-hanging fruit.
The SERP-checker can also be used in other ways. You can for example use the SERP for keywords related to your field, to find new competitors that belong to your field. Having competitors in the same field can help you in a multitude of ways
Morningscore's SERP-checker also show you what specific pages are ranking on your chosen keyword. This can be helpful in gauging, what kind of pages rank well on a specific keyword. Doing this can be very helpful if you aren't sure what kind of content is best for ranking on a specific keyword, or if you want to find out the search intention for the keyword is.