All-in-one SEO tool for SaaS companies

Enhance your company's web presence, improve product visibility online, and track and optimize for key performance indicators, and streamline SEO tasks among team members.

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The only SEO tool your SaaS company needs

All tools for running a SaaS company

Here are the 4 features that our 900+ customers value most about our SEO tool.

Competitor analysis for SaaS companies

By understanding what your competitors are doing in terms of SEO, you get valuable insights to improve your own rankings. With a complete competitor analysis tool that allow SaaS companies to monitor competitor keywords, backlinks, and other SEO metrics, it will help you identify areas where you can gain a competitive edge.

Analyze your competitors in Morningscore

Backlink checker for SaaS companies

Monitor backlinks easily, and look for ways to build authority and improve search engine rankings - something that is very important for SaaS companies. The backlink checker allows you to identify high-quality backlink opportunities, monitor your backlink profile for spam or low-quality links, and track the impact of your link-building efforts.

backlink checker for saas - Morningscore SEO tool

Keyword tracking for SaaS companies

Explore the dynamic world of keywords with our vibrant keyword research tool. See your SaaS company's keyword performance come to life over time, while also keeping an eye on what your competitors are up to. With this feature, you can fine-tune your SEO strategy to ensure your website is speaking the language your audience wants to hear, all through the intuitive interface

Use the keyword research tool for improving your SaaS company's seo

Customized white label SEO reports for SaaS companies

Elevate your SEO strategy with customizable reports and automated monitoring tools. Say goodbye to tedious report creation and hello to optimizing your SEO strategy with ease. With automated reporting, effortlessly share valuable insights, showcasing your SEO progress. Save time, impress stakeholders, and stay ahead of the competition without the hassle of manual analysis.

SEO reports
Check out the features

Morningscore's tool set

See all the features of the Morningscore card listed below. Morningscore provide all the features your SaaS company needs. Check out all of our tools here.

Morningscore logo 01 - Morningscore SEO tool
Keyword rank tracking
Keyword research
New keyword suggestions
Keyword difficulty
Historical positions on keywords
Keyword update frequency Daily
Grouping of keywords
Competitor analysis
Backlinks monitoring
New and lost links
Backlinks from competitors
Scan websites for links/keywords
Website health scan (onsite)
Intelligent proposals (missions)
SEO task management (missions)
Email reports
PDF reports
White label rapporter
Smart user management
Prices from 49 $/mo
Effective SEO tools for SaaS companies

The easiest SEO tool to use for your SaaS company

Fed up with advanced and costly tools? Morningscore provides you with equivalent key features as most prominent players at a fraction of the expense. Our SEO tool includes robust tools to monitor your SEO, such as a keyword research tool, keyword rank tracker, SEO reporting tool, backlink checker, and SEO audit tool.

Keyword tracking and analysis

Monitor your SaaS company's SEO keyword rankings over time, track changes, and identify opportunities for optimization. With detailed keyword analysis, you can ensure you're targeting the right keywords to attract potential customers and outrank competitors.

Competitor analysis

Gain valuable insights into your competitors' SEO strategies, including their keyword rankings, backlink profiles, and more. Use this information to benchmark your performance, identify areas for improvement, and stay ahead in the competitive SaaS landscape.

Website audit

Conduct comprehensive audits of your SaaS website to identify technical issues, on-page SEO opportunities, and areas for improvement. Optimize your website's performance and user experience to enhance its visibility in search engine results and attract more organic traffic.

Backlink monitoring

Keep tabs on your SaaS company's backlink profile, including new backlinks, lost backlinks, and the quality of referring domains. By monitoring backlinks, you can identify opportunities for link building, address toxic backlinks, and improve your website's authority and rankings.

Customizable reports

Generate custom reports that showcase your SaaS company's SEO performance and progress over time. Track key metrics, such as keyword rankings, organic traffic, and backlink growth, and share insights with stakeholders to demonstrate the impact of your SEO efforts.

On-page optimization

Receive actionable recommendations to optimize your SaaS company's website pages for better search engine visibility. From meta tags and headings to content quality and internal linking, provides insights to help you fine tune your on-page SEO elements, ensuring that your website ranks higher and attracts more organic traffic.

pricing bg - Morningscore SEO tool

49 USD/mo
100 Keywords 3 Websites 2 Users
For the small business that is new to SEO.
69 USD/mo
500 Keywords 10 Websites 4 Users
For the intermediate user who is growing their SEO.
129 USD/mo
2000 Keywords 30 Websites 10 Users
For the professional SEO expert working on numerous projects.
259 USD/mo
5000 Keywords 100 Websites 20 Users
For the international company or agency. Upgrades possible.

Easiest SEO tool for SaaS companies

In the digital age, where online presence is very important, SEO stands as the cornerstone of visibility and relevance. Search Engine Optimization is vital for businesses as it enables them to connect with their target audience effectively. By optimizing their web content according to search engine algorithms, businesses can climb up the search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to discover them. With billions of searches happening every day, appearing on the first page of search engine results is crucial for attracting organic traffic and gaining credibility.

The effect of SEO for SaaS companies

For SaaS companies, SEO opens the gateway to a world of endless possibilities. By harnessing the power of SEO, SaaS companies can position themselves as industry leaders, attracting a steady stream of qualified leads and converting them into loyal customers.

Beyond driving traffic and conversions, SEO also helps SaaS companies build brand authority and credibility, fostering long-term relationships with customers and driving sustained growth in the competitive SaaS market.

Making SEO easy with Morningscore

Morningscore provides SaaS companies with the actionable data they need to optimize their online presence effectively. By delivering clear, actionable recommendations and customizable reporting, Morningscore empowers SaaS companies to make informed decisions and continuously improve their SEO strategies.


Do you have any questions?

At Morningscore we differentiate our SEO tool through its user-friendly interface, gamification aspects to make SEO easier and funnier to work with, comprehensive feature set and not least that we are cutting the fat. You won't see hundreds of different features with a lot of small data points that in the end are pretty useless.

We provide your agency with an equal set of tools containing everything you need to handle SEO clients all over the world.

Morningscore's intuitive keyword research tools are helping agencies to identify high-potential keywords effortlessly, enabling targeted optimization strategies with easy-to-use keyword research tools.


Morningscore does not offer data in real-time which is close to impossible. We provide you with daily updated performance tracking, enabling agencies to monitor progress identify trends, and adapt strategies based on completely fresh data.

Yes, Morningscore caters to SaaS companies of all sizes, from startups to enterprises. Its flexible features and customizable reporting make it suitable for businesses with varying SEO needs and budgets.

Indeed, Morningscore is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, making it an ideal choice for beginners seeking to delve into the world of SEO as well as experts and agencies that want to get rid of the noise that is presented in most of the big database tools.

In Morningscore your keyword data are updated every single day when adding them to the rank tracker.

Yes, Morningscore offers customer support to assist SaaS companies with any questions or issues they may encounter while using the platform. Support is available via email, live chat, and documentation resources to ensure that SaaS companies receive timely assistance whenever needed.

Certainly! With Morningscore, you can track and manage keywords in over 150 countries worldwide.

To get started, simply add your website for each country you wish to track keywords. Navigate to the top left corner of the tools, and click on your website to customize the tracking settings for each specific country.

Morningscore is solely a Google tool, hence you will be able to monitor Google SEO only (we do not support Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, etc.)

SaaS companies can get started with Morningscore by signing up for a free trial or contacting the sales team for more information. Once registered, they can set up their account, connect their website, and start leveraging the platform's features to improve their SEO performance and drive organic traffic.

5 out of 5 stars

“Morningscore provides a simple overview of competitors, and most importantly, makes working with SEO fun! The "Mission" tool is a favorite, but the "Health" section is also a useful feature that easily explains what adjustments and corrections need to be made on my website.”

Bjorn Marius Narjord, an Independent SEO Consultant from Intent SEO

Bjørn Marius Narjord

Owner and SEO-specialist, Intent SEO
5 out of 5 stars

“Morningscore is the easiest SEO tool I've ever seen and used – and I've tested so many of them. The charts and data may be comparable to those of competitors, but the fun part comes in when you make use of the many ways to play 'catch me if you can' with a competitor.”

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Rasmus Schübel

Owner & Founder, kreativling
5 out of 5 stars

“A truly usable and effective SEO tool without many disruptive elements. This means that I can actually use the tool for something specific that gives our business value.”

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Heidi Kerstein

Marketing coordinator, Fitness Engros A/S
5 out of 5 stars

“Morningscore gives me that vital view of our rankings on search engines, and I can see up-to-date information on how we're performing against our competitors and whether we're gaining or losing traction. I also find the tool very easy to use. It just works.”

patrick qureshi

Patrick Qureshi

5 out of 5 stars

“I’ve used Morningscore since the beginning of my company. I tried many tools, but my heart fell for Morningscore because it’s so easy to use - and because I work with many small businesses who MUST have the tool for me to help them.”

christina lund schmeltz

Christina Schmeltz

Owner, LS Marketing
5 out of 5 stars

“I use Morningscore because SEO is not my specialty, and I don’t want to spend time on it. I have an internal team who takes care of SEO, but I need to know the outcome of their work. With this tool, I can log in and see our performance from day to day.”

esben oesterby

Esben Østerby

Founder, Iværksætterhistorier
5 out of 5 stars

“I was looking for a tool to help my customers see exactly what we’re working on and what value it gives them. I’ve found that with Morningscore. I recommend the platform to anyone who needs to manage and improve their SEO.”

Trolle Hansen trolle reklame

Trolle Hansen

Owner, Trolle Reklame
5 out of 5 stars

“Three years ago I chose Morningscore because I was new to SEO and it was the easiest SEO tool to use. I'm still using Morningscore because it is regularly updated and becomes more powerful with every release. It's fun to use. Morningscore is such an integral part of my day. I check it before I check my email.”

sven recommends Morningscore's SEO tool

Sven Radavics
