Customer Stories

Cloud Celebration invested their first profits in Morningscore

  • 70% revenue from organic traffic
  • Highest ranking on 50+ Google keywords
  • +13.000 DKK increase in Morningscore

Celia Horsleben

Founder of the company

Cloud Celebration ApS

E-commerce | 1-10 employees

SEO Intermediate
Cloud Celebration

Cloud Celebration invested their first profits in Morningscore: "If we hadn't done that, we wouldn't be where we are today."

A profitable SEO strategy in Morningscore helped Cloud Celebration grow rapidly. Today they are six employees in a brand new office location containing press/print facilities of their own. 

“In the beginning, we groped blindly. We didn’t really know what we were doing and googled to see how we ranked. None of us had any background in SEO. But that all changed when we started using Morningscore,” says Celia Kirkegaard Nielsen, co-owner of Cloud Celebration. 

Cloud Celebration helps its customers celebrate major life events and sells all kinds of prints for weddings, confirmations, and christenings. The company was founded in 2017 by Celia and her partner Amanda.

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When the company turned one, it also made its first profit. Celia had heard it was crucial to prioritize a good SEO tool. 

“We invested everything we had in our bank account into SEO for six months. It was a lot of money for us. But that’s what secured our revenue. If we hadn’t done that, we wouldn’t be where we are today,” says Celia Kirkegaard Nielsen.

Morningscore provided an SEO crash course for the two entrepreneurs, who quickly fixed the worst health bugs on their site. Morningscore’s missions gave Cloud Celebration advice on where they could get the most value with the least amount of work.

The company slowly got busier. By February 2020, they had already turned over 900.000 kroner that year. It made them hungry for more.

But in March 2020, everything changed due to the Covid pandemic. No one was allowed to gather people for parties or events. This was a major setback for Cloud Celebration.

Helpful SEO tips to the rescue

The pandemic hit hard on Cloud Celebration. They had to lay off their newly hired copywriter to minimize all costs. For a long period of time, they didn’t make any money at all. 

When Denmark reopened and people were able to assemble yet again, Celia came up with an idea to help their customers through the endless stream of restrictions from the Health Authorities. 

“We created a landing page where we could rank high for keywords like ‘restrictions on gatherings’ and ‘party restrictions.’ It was crazy how many visitors we had. At times, we had more visitors than the Danish Health Authorities. We updated the site every time the restrictions changed and made it understandable to everyone,” Celia explains. 

The inspiration to do a landing page on the matter came from Morningscore. The tool suggested improvements regarding landing pages through the SEO missions.

“Our approach to SEO changed from trying to achieve high rankings on specific keywords to building a new landing page from scratch. At the same time, long-tail keywords emerged that we didn’t expect to rank for. We would have overlooked these without Morningscore,” says Celia.

Hard work and a reasonable SEO strategy paid off, and Cloud Celebration ended 2021 with impressive revenue.

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70 percent revenue from organic traffic

Today, Cloud Celebration succeeds on the market. The company has never been more successful. They are currently restructuring the business to be able to print their own physical invitations. They attribute much of their success to the work they’ve put into SEO.

“There have been enormous developments. Our Morningscore was around a few thousand kroner. Now it’s 24,000 kroner. 70 percent of our revenue comes from organic traffic now. The rest comes from social media,” Celia explains.

Cloud Celebration mainly uses Morningscore to maintain an overview so that they can plan their SEO efforts in the best possible way.

“Being able to compare yourself to your customers is very useful. You have to be ready to optimize your SEO at all times. Morningscore lets you be on top of things, so you’ll never oversee changes within the industry or your primary keywords,” Celia says.

Cloud Celebration recently moved from Aarhus to Randers, in new premises with room for the company to grow. Celia explains that they struggled to keep up and have just hired three new employees. She would recommend other self-employed people invest in SEO regardless of the business’ size.

“If it wasn’t for Morningscore, we wouldn’t have grown to have our own production facilities and hire new employees. SEO is something every company should prioritize. Whether you have a small local shop or an established business, it’s such a small amount to pay monthly. It gives back tenfold to invest in Morningscore,” Celia concludes.

The graph below shows how the number of site visitors has increased since they bought a license to do SEO in Morningscore:


Cloud Celebration: The company

Cloud Celebration sells and produces creative and personalized prints for the celebration of their customers’ big events in life. The company wants to make it possible for everyone to personalize everything from invitations to place cards. They have recently expanded the business with their own print facilities in new premises, enabling them to produce even more creative print items.